Season Of Mist

GNOSTIC "Engineering The Rule" CD

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GNOSTIC "Engineering The Rule" CD (Season Of Mist 2009)

GNOSTIC came to the world by gentle heresy from mighty ATHEIST and still share three members with the now reformed US eath Metal legend - Steve Flynn on drums, Chris Baker on lead guitars and Jonathan Thompson picking the four thick strings in this band. Their debut "Engineering the Rule" take the progressive sound of Death to a new level of aggression. Cascades of furious riffs are hailing down from their blackening sonic skies. With surgical precision these whirlwinds of strings take incredible twists and turns with jaw-dropping breaks delivered in stunning frequencies. Through a mystical process of self-enlightenment this GNOSTIC has still decided to walk another path than his ATHEIST brother. Singer Kevin Freeman has a distinctively different vocal approach, his harsh screams charging to the front with violent force and pure power. Although Kevin's straight in your face attitude resembles a Metalcore approach, there is far more variety in his lines. The GNOSTIC principle of duality is expressed in a fine sense for melodies and emotionality contrasting with the technical perfection of their execution. As fans of ATHEIST, CYNIC, DEATH and PESTILENCE will flock to "Engineering the Rule", they should heed this warning: caution! Trying to play air guitar along these 10 monstrous songs may result in broken fingers and severely damaged wrists!