VOMIT RITUAL "Callous" Quotes
"Wild, possessed and truly evil!" - Crossfire Metal (DE), 8.5/10
"Like a five-ton pile driver!" - Apocalyptic Rites (PL)
"Barbarous!" - Metal Temple (INT), 8/10
"Evil doomsday noise!" - Metalfactory (CH)
"Smells of sulfur and sounds like a call to the demon and his legions." - Thrashocore.com (FR)
"A a good mixture of Death and Black!" - Time For Metal (DE)
"Vomit Ritual are kind of captivating!" - Zephyrs Odem (DE)
"For lovers of the most barbaric fringe of Death/Black!" - All Around Metal (IT), 4/5
"A swirling death spell born from the combination of different sulfur substances." - Metalitalia.com (IT)
"Vomit Ritual are already setting the bar high with their first album, delivering a perfect balance between death and black metal." - Soilchronicles (FR), 8.5/10
"This album leaves a feeling of accomplishment. Nothing was missing." - The Old Coffin Spirit (BR)
"Vomit Ritual have unleashed a bestial black/death triumph!" - My Revelations (DE), 12/15
"Effective, greasy, energetic and hooking riffs, topped by morbid howlings!" - Acta Infernalis (FR), 90/100
"There’s a sinister undertone to Vomit Ritual, as if there’s a bit of spiritual foulplay present." - Invisible Oranges (US)
"Intensely blasphemous!" - Grizzly Butts (US)
"They have a great sense of passion and it shines through in their music." - Ave Noctum (UK)
"Wonderful brutal stuff with a powerful production!" - Metal Only (DE), 9.5/10
"Dark death indeed. Devastating!" - GBHBL.com (UK)
"Occult black-death metal with a captivating atmosphere!" - Deadly Storm (CZ)
"Intensely fast and stormy riffing! The darkness envelops everything!" - Metalhead (IT), 8/10
"Overall, a crushing effort with a lot of potential for future releases to be monoliths of sonic destruction." - Nattskog (UK)
"It's gaining more and more weight with each listen." - Metalbrothers (ES)
"Brutal and savage blackend death metal!" - Violent Demise (CA)
"Dark and heavy!" - Occult Black Metal Zine (US), 8/10
"The Death Metal influence is obvious, but their sound is also nicely tinged with Black Metal. Recommended!" - Metal Alliance (CH)
"Barbarous!" - Metal Temple (INT), 8/10
"Evil doomsday noise!" - Metalfactory (CH)
"Smells of sulfur and sounds like a call to the demon and his legions." - Thrashocore.com (FR)
"A a good mixture of Death and Black!" - Time For Metal (DE)
"Vomit Ritual are kind of captivating!" - Zephyrs Odem (DE)
"For lovers of the most barbaric fringe of Death/Black!" - All Around Metal (IT), 4/5
"A swirling death spell born from the combination of different sulfur substances." - Metalitalia.com (IT)
"Vomit Ritual are already setting the bar high with their first album, delivering a perfect balance between death and black metal." - Soilchronicles (FR), 8.5/10
"This album leaves a feeling of accomplishment. Nothing was missing." - The Old Coffin Spirit (BR)
"Vomit Ritual have unleashed a bestial black/death triumph!" - My Revelations (DE), 12/15
"Effective, greasy, energetic and hooking riffs, topped by morbid howlings!" - Acta Infernalis (FR), 90/100
"There’s a sinister undertone to Vomit Ritual, as if there’s a bit of spiritual foulplay present." - Invisible Oranges (US)
"Intensely blasphemous!" - Grizzly Butts (US)
"They have a great sense of passion and it shines through in their music." - Ave Noctum (UK)
"Wonderful brutal stuff with a powerful production!" - Metal Only (DE), 9.5/10
"Dark death indeed. Devastating!" - GBHBL.com (UK)
"Occult black-death metal with a captivating atmosphere!" - Deadly Storm (CZ)
"Intensely fast and stormy riffing! The darkness envelops everything!" - Metalhead (IT), 8/10
"Overall, a crushing effort with a lot of potential for future releases to be monoliths of sonic destruction." - Nattskog (UK)
"It's gaining more and more weight with each listen." - Metalbrothers (ES)
"Brutal and savage blackend death metal!" - Violent Demise (CA)
"Dark and heavy!" - Occult Black Metal Zine (US), 8/10
"The Death Metal influence is obvious, but their sound is also nicely tinged with Black Metal. Recommended!" - Metal Alliance (CH)